Add @FakeAI_io_bot to Your Telegram Channel
Bring DeepFakeAI to your telegram channel and share the fun!
Last updated
Bring DeepFakeAI to your telegram channel and share the fun!
Last updated
Adding the FakeAI bot to your Telegram group is simple.
Gain access by either buying minutes or holding FakeAI tokens. More details on this can be found in the Pricing section.
You will be given a verification key once you have gained access. This key is available to view under the Bots tab.\
Add the Telegram Bot (@FakeAI_io_bot) to your Telegram group using the Telegram App
Supply your Verification Code to enable clip generation for the members of the group
Congratulations! You've now gained access to the limitless possibilities of AI generated clips in your Telegram group, for yourself and all of your members! Generating clips will use your developer minutes, allowing members of the group to generate clips for free.